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Sam Sliva and The Good
Photo courtesy of www.samsliva.com.
Photo courtesy of www.samsliva.com.

Sam Sliva and The Good
Courtesy of www.samsliva.com.

With roots in rock, blues and country, it's hard to put a label on Sam Sliva and the Good, the Austin based band that released its debut album, SEE YOU AROUND, in the summer of '08. Drawing comparisons to the likes of the Killers, Steve Earle, and Texas legend Robert Earl Keen, Sliva and his trio lack nothing in the way of style. And recently they've had no shortage of compliments either. Texas Music Magazine likened the group to "channel[ing] the best of The Band and the Counting Crows."

While flattering associations with multi-platinum musicians might be new to them, it's nothing that Sam Sliva and the Good stumbled upon overnight. The group has been honing its sound for years, playing gigs almost nightly, across Texas and beyond. For the band's lead singer, this was a journey that began roughly six years ago, when an eighteen year-old Sam Sliva moved from Bay City, TX to San Marcos, just a thirty minute drive from Austin — the city dubbed "the live music capitol of the world." From there, the race was on: songwriting, playing, booking gigs, honing his skill... Sliva, then a full-time college student, saw his future in the music business and ran after it at full speed. Fast forward to early spring 2008. Over the last half decade Sliva had gone from open mics to playing with some of Texas music's biggest stars — Cory Morrow, Mark Chesnutt, Randy Rogers Band, and Gary P. Nunn to name a few. Now he was at Pedernales Studios, the west Austin recording studio of Willie Nelson fame. Sam Sliva had just cut his debut album and the positive reviews and glowing comparisons were already rolling-in.

Sliva's musical progression — one that had been in a six year incubator since he'd moved to central Texas — was coming to fruition, leaving as its first product an album of genre-bending rock tunes and raw yet heartfelt lyrics. Through a combination of workmanship and timing, Sam Sliva and the Good have paved their way to the forefront of the Austin music scene and are on a steady rise to stardom. Call them a rock band, say they have a country sound, liken their guitar licks to an outlaw heritage… No matter how you label them, Sam Sliva and the Good are here to stay. --- Woodrow Landfair

Whats being said

"Sam Sliva and The Good set fire to the countryside and came through with a big win in the November listener’s poll with a sound that is unique and innovative, with a rough edged flow layered with honest, open lyrics. A combination of Southern rock and Texas dirt, there is a hint of whiskey and rusty car doors in the background with a layer of smoke hanging over the arrangements like fog in a Louisiana swamp. “Jim Marshall” was the song featured on the poll and not only was it the frontrunner for this website but it has also been moving quickly up the charts on radio stations across the country. With a confessional tone and an excellent production, it’s a solid record with just the right amount of slide and guitar work to punch up the entire song.

Recorded in West Austin at the historic Pedernales studio, their debut album entitled "See You Around" is loaded with original gems.“Don’t Tell Me What To Do”, “King Of The World”, “See You Around”, just a few of the songs on the album and all different with a life of their own, never repetitive or formulaic. It's definitely a new breed of cat on the music scene and the response from around the country has been extremely favorable.

The group has been getting a lot of attention lately and gigs are coming in from everywhere including the Lee College Arena with Cory Morrow in December and the big Music Fest in Winter Park Colorado coming up in January. With a huge following, a record climbing quickly up the charts and a definitive grasp on what it takes to make it in the music business, it's bound to be a good year for Sam Sliva and The Good.

At the present time, they are busy promoting their new album, doing the radio tour and enjoying some success with the buzz brought on with the release of "Jim Marshall" which is doing very well on the Texas Music stations. For more information on Sam and the band, check out www.samsliva.com or www.myspace.com/samslivamusic and see for yourselves what it was that put them over the top in the November voter's poll." --- AustinMusicCity.com

"Sam Sliva has the world at his feet. New album, right age, right look, right sound, and all the things required to make a good go in this business. The debut album is so important. Sliva got it right. The sound is contemporary Americana and Sliva's delivery is captured perfectly. All cuts are originals save two, one from Steve Earle and one from Bob Schneider. Smartly arranged and performed by some of the best in Texas, “SEE YOU AROUND” has all the attributes of a great first release from this young Texan. Sliva’s writing is poignant and artistic, dealing with standard Texas music topics. Setting the project apart is Sliva’s unique vocal tone, one that can quickly become a recognizable air wave fave. The disc is a good listen as well, produced expertly by Sliva and Mick Black, and bearing the golden touch of Nick Landis, who never disappoints. In travels with his band, The Good, Sliva will garner fans with this lineup of songs. A highlight of the album is the haunting and emotional “Coastline” which showcases Sliva’s talent for pulling heart strings with words and notes. David Grissom’s guitar work on the album is worthy of mention and should be remembered at award nomination time. Sam Sliva, with the world still at his feet, will now begin the arduous walk to stardom. This album is a very large first step." ---Review by Lucky Boyd at MyTexasMusic.com

"Austin's Sam Sliva and The Good channel the best of The Band and the Counting Crows in their compelling debut "See You Around.." ---Texas Music Magazine

"Austin rising stars Sam Sliva and The Good combine southern rock, Texas country and alternative music sure to entertain. " ---Texas Parks and Wildlife press release

Official web site