Rockin' H Band
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Albert Benavides. Lead Guitar
1. What drew you to your current instrument and do you play any others
The need for a lead guitar. Bass
2. What and who was your inspiration and what got you to this point
Stevie R Vaughn, Jimmi Hendrix, Brad Paisley, Doug Seven. Practice, practice, practice
3. How do you feel playing with family members the ups and downs
Feels good at the end of a show to see everyone smiling. Hard headedness, stubbornness
4.What does the future hold for you as a member of this band
I'll answer that in 5 years. For now it's one gig at a time
Al Herrera. Bass Guitar / Upright Bass
1. What drew you to your current instrument and do you play any others
My father was the first in our family to play the bass guitar. He had a band with his brothers where he picked up rhythm guitar and the bass. He often talked about how he played bass and how they toured Texas playing Tejano music. Back in 2004, I was visiting my brother, Alan, and my cousin, Louis Montemayor, where my cousin asked if I would pick up playing bass. As a hobby, we played classic rock and Texas blues. After playing my first blues bass line, I was hooked on this instrument just like my father did years before. I have now been playing bass for over 8 years and have played with numerous bands ranging from Rock Americana to Country.
2. What and who was your inspiration and what got you to this point
My biggest two influences that inspired me to play music are my father and mother. They were the first to encourage me to follow my passion to perform and play music. They have also been my biggest supporters throughout the years. Without them, I know I would not be in the position I am today. There will never be enough words to thank them for their ongoing support.
3. How do you feel playing with family members the ups and downs
There is no better feeling than to be performing and continuing our Herrera's tradition of playing music. Our family has always in some sort of another been involved with the music business. These last couple of years with the Rockin H Band has been the best times of my life. There will always be ups and downs but to continue this musical journey with family members is virtually priceless.
4. What does the future hold for you as a member of this band
I can't predict the future however sometimes it's not where you going that is important but how and whom you get there with. So far, this has been the best times I have had in my life and I hope there are plenty of memories to come. This journey has only begun and I can only promise that the ride will be a wild and crazy one.
Jorge Herrera. Lead Vocals and Rhythm Acoustic Guitar
1. What drew you to your current instrument and do you play any others?
Was surrounded by music all my life and it just kind of gradually grows on you, as if you were just born to be in the music scene.
2. What and who was your inspiration and what got you to this point?
My dad had a big influence and it was always a dream of mine to play on stage but I never made it happen. I thank my younger cousins Al, Lou, Jay and Alan for bring me back to music.
3. How do you feel playing with family members the ups and downs?
It is a challenge dealing with different personalities, but it is like a marriage, we manage to compromise and make the best of bad situations. I love spending every minute with these guys and look forward to creating countless memories.
4. What does the future hold for you as a member of this band?
As long as I can hold a note I will be there.
Alan Herrera. Rhythm Guitar and Mandolin
1. What drew you to your current instrument and do you play any others?
As a young kid growing up in a small town I learned to pick up the acoustic guitar and was told to learn three chords before I would even attempt the challenge of playing anything. After that challenge was conquered I began to slowly learn more essential chords from my dad. After playing learning all major chords I took a class in high school, which furthered my knowledge when playing acoustic. I picked up the mandolin after we started the band because I was influenced by band members to give a different sound.
2. What and who was your inspiration and what got you to this point?
As I grew up, I slowly learned about my families' musical past and made it a point to continue the tradition however good or bad I was. Even though my uncles were all in a band and succeeded in the tejano business I would have to say that all the credit would have to go to my father who had the patience to teach a young kid with great ambition to learn a beautiful instrument. I would have to think that what got us to this point was the talent of everyone in this band and the continue tenacity of Lando and Alvaro to provide us with gigs that would eventually get us recognized.
3. How do you feel playing with family members the ups and downs?
It is an honor to play with these guys because seeing everyone's talent come together to make beautiful music is a talent, especially when two band members do not live in same city. I won't lie that our family is strong minded and sometimes can come into play when we have discussions, but for the most part I like to think that our laughter supersedes any conflict that does occur. I have to say that playing with my older cousins is one of the best times that I will have and I imagine that my uncles and father had the same experience.
4. What does the future hold for you as a member of this band?
Unfortunately I cannot foresee the future, but with the strong ambition from our band and the continue love from our fans I believe this band can do something good. With the patience from each band members immediate family and the will of each band member to strive to be better, I truly believe that we can make a dent in the Texas charts. I thank all who have supported us during the hard times and want all to know that I appreciate everything that everyone has done for this band because without them I believe we would not be where we are at today.
Orlando Herrera, Drums and Vocals
1. What drew you to your current instrument and do you play any others?
As a young child I was always fascinated with the sound of drums, with my father, leader of a and at several I also play rhythm guitar and bass and write and compose music for the Rockin H Band.
2. What and who was your inspiration and what got you to this point?
I had several influences growing up, first and for most my farther and my uncle Jorge.Just the sound commitment that these men had to strive and be the very best set the foundation of who I am today. Other influences are Steve Smith (Journey) Niel Pert (Rush) Tommy Lee (Motley Crue) Buddy Rich, Dave Weckl.
3. How do you feel playing with family members the ups and downs?
Being a part of a family band is nothing new to me, for 11 years I played for my fathers band different. With in my fathers band.It's never a dull moment with family, the jokes and laughter is what makes this band what it is.
4. What does the future hold for you as a member of this band?
Seeing my cousins grow as musicians and artist, is something special for me. Having been around the music industry for over 30 years I've seen and been through everything imaginable. But these guys have something special, and I see a bright future for us in the Country Music scene. With hard work, commitment and dedication there is NO doubt we can accomplish the goals we have set for ourselves.
Official web site