Lance Aldrich
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Lance Aldrich
Courtesy of
My love for music came to me at a very early age. I can remember standing in the front seat of my dad's old pickup truck singing along to 8 track tapes of John Denver. As far back as I can recall, my parents were involved in music. They both sang in church and my Dad played the guitar and accordion for the church band. The Christmas of my thirteenth year I got a guitar and amp. My folks signed me up for guitar lessons but I didn't stick with them very long. I regret it now because I might have been a pretty good guitar player. Once I got in high school I met Clint who now is my drummer. He played guitar as well, and we started playing and singing at every party we could. We would load our guitars in the truck when we would go out, and play them in the parking lots of bars. After high school we moved in together with two other roommates. One of my roommates Nelson was a gifted musician in the high school band and in a matter of weeks taught himself how to play the bass guitar. We started practicing every day and playing small gigs when we could, but I had trouble finding a good lead guitar player. So Nelson and myself move on and joined another band called The Legends. During that time I started doing a lot of writing. The more I wrote, the more I wanted the band back together. That's when I found Matt (Tex) Peterson who played lead guitar. I was playing as often as I could between both bands. I then got in touch with Dub Miller and asked him what I had to do to take this to the next level. He gave me a lot of helpful advice and told me I need to cut a record. My friends told me about a talented singer and songwriter who played at Puffabellys every Wednesday night (that of course was Davin James). I went up there and stayed until the show was over so I could talk to him. He is a hell of a nice guy and was willing to produce my record. About nine months later, we had a finished product. Davin taught me a lot during that time, for instance how to write, produce, and present myself. Anyway that pretty much sums it up. Hope to see you at the shows.
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