11th Street Cowboy Bar - The Biggest Little Bar In Texas, serving up beer and country western swing music in Bandera, Texas

Hot Texas Swing Band
Photo courtesy of www.hottexasswingband.com.
Photo courtesy of www.hottexasswingband.com.

Hot Texas Swing Band
Courtesy of www.hottexasswingband.com.

The music of the Hot Texas Swing Band is guaranteed to get your boots dancin', your toes tappin' and your fingers snappin'!

Like Texas itself, the Hot Texas Swing Band is a crossroads of musical influences. Listening to their big Western Swing sound, you hear Texas Dance Hall tunes, Boogie Woogie and Latin numbers, as well as Big Band Swing.

With their hearts anchored in traditional Western Swing, the Hot Texas Swing Band brings together fresh musical ideas and original material to form an exciting and energetic new Western Swing sound.

Official web site